I guess I haven't used up all of my miracles...

I know God has a sense of humor.

I can picture Him chuckling as He orchestrated all of this.

After 6 weeks, the placenta has clotted off enough that we were finally able to get a clear view of things via ultrasound this week.  What we thought in previous ultrasounds to be clotting across the front of my uterus is actually placenta.  When the placenta formed, it just so "happened" to also grow what is called an accessory lobe.  Basically, the normal, full placenta grew along the back of my uterus and also an extra piece of placenta across the front.  It also just so "happens" that it appears that only the accessory lobe has detached; the main placenta has remained intact.  I know very well that all of this didn't just "happen" nor is it a co-incidence.  I can see God's protecting hand for our little Shipton.  God is so good!

So what does this mean?  With 100% of a fully functioning placenta, Shipton is out of harm's way.  He will be able to receive the nutrients and oxygen he needs.  As far as any effects to him it is as if this didn't happen because he has a full placenta functioning.  Growing extra placenta and that portion pulling away basically cancel each other out.  As far as we can tell, the bleeding has clotted off, so I am also out of harm's way.

We should have every choice during my birthing time and we plan for the rest of the pregnancy to run smoothly.

And just because it would be sad to post without a picture...and accessory lobes of placenta may be offensive to some, :)  we just finished the Hypnobabies Homestudy course.  (Above: listening to the "Deepening Track" on my birth ball)  I keep falling in love with Hypnobabies over and over again!


  1. Katy that is so great!!!
    I am so happy for you, and your children!
    Such great news!


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