
If having your mind wide open and unprotected makes you feel worried or scared, let’s talk 
about two things you can do about it.  First, you can be more selective about plops into the 
soil of your mind than my own garden in the backyard. My poor defenseless garden 
constantly has seeds floating through the air all too eager to come in for a landing then sink 
down roots in the soil. Do you honestly think that God would purposefully and carefully set all
 of this up and then just leave us wide open and unprotected?  Once more it comes down to
 the wonderful and powerful gift of agency He has given each one of us. We can choose to
 do two things to arm ourselves against the invasion of lies or truth out of context.

First, M. Catherine Thomas likens our minds to the sky.  We can learn to simply let the clouds, 
or thoughts, drift by.  If we immediately snatch up every possible belief that passes before us, 
we soon become so clouded up we cannot let the sun (or the Son and His Truth) through.  
Again, when we have so many lies or truths, that is primarily what we are filtering the Input
 through and assigning the meaning with. (Thomas, Light in the Wilderness, I need to find 
a page number still)

Although we want to be selective, we don’t want to suddenly clamp down on our mind and 
be unwilling to let anything in.  In our hastily developed mechanism to protect ourselves, our
 skepticism could easily block the programming of precious Truth.  We need to learn to be 
open-minded. We can choose to have an open mind.  We can choose to allow things to pass
 by us or sometimes even through us, but simply tuck them into the “I’m not sure yet” pile for
 now.  We don’t necessarily need to toss it out yet, but we also don’t have to let it in 
immediately  in either. We may be on a more heightened awareness knowing some of the
 ways beliefs can hop right into our minds.  We can choose what is allowed entrance.

Second, the good news is that when lies or truths get past our diligent efforts, we still have 
what we need. We can use Truth to battle against Satan’s attacks.  I haven’t felt impressed
 to go deep yet other than a brief mention here or there about Satan and his efforts. We must
 understand that He hates us.  However, he only has the power we hand over to Him.  

Listen to Brad Wilcox explain why Satan would try so hard to get into our minds like this. 
"God and Christ have been victorious and Satan and his followers have been thwarted at 
each essential turning point except one---the turning point in our individual lives.  Satan 
cannot undo the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement, or the Restoration. He cannot pull 
them down, so instead he tries to pull us down.

"If in this life Satan can now convince us that we are worthless and that we can't make it to 
the celestial kingdom, what good is freedom?  If he can block us from recognizing and 
receiving God's love, what good is the Atonement" (Wilcox, The Continuous Atonement,  
137, emphasis added).

Satan missed his chance to prevent the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement, and the 
Restoration; however, if he can whisper lies into our minds and our hearts that we allow to 
take root and grow, it can be as if these pivotal events never took place.  That’s why we 
need to care as much (or more than) as Satan does about what goes into our minds!

With her permission, I am going to quote directly two big chunks from Jaci’s book,
Princess Story. She describes this epic battle in such a powerful way that I cannot 
duplicate in my own words.  
I must warn you that as soon as Satan realizes you’re trying to break free from his 
clutches, he’s going to come at you with every weapon in his arsenal. You’ve been his 
prisoner for a long time and he’s not going to give you up without a fight. But just 
because he can’t use a real sword to draw your blood or a real bomb to blow you up, 
don’t think that means he doesn’t have any weapons. He’s actually an expert at using 
what the scriptures call his ‘fiery darts’ (Ephesians 6:16). It’s a good description 
because these flaming arrows can pierce you and they can burn. If the poison from 
one of his darts gets inside you, it can paralyze you and take you right out of the fight.

“Watch yourself, because in this particular scene, Satan is going to do everything he 
can to deceive you (D&C 50:3), overpower your testimony (D&C 29:47), and turn your 
heart from the truth (D&C 78:10). He’ll try to cause all kinds of contention (3 Nephi 11:29), 
put false ideas in your heart (1 Timothy 4:1, D&C 10:10), and even possess you personally
 or through the use of his sneaky little sidekicks (Matthew 8:16). In short, he’ll do 
everything he can to make you afraid, make you doubt, or make you sin. He’ll try to 
bully you, discourage you, or leave you feeling like you’re all alone. He’ll lie to you 
about your life, your family, your beliefs, your future, and your salvation. And he’ll 
laugh hardest of all if he can get you to lose faith in your prince.

“And that’s not even the worst of it. Satan may instead turn the tables and try to flatter 
you into thinking that he doesn’t even exist (2 Nephi 28:22). Or he’ll pacify you into 
believing that you don’t need to repent, or that there’s nothing wrong with the way 
the world is telling you to live (2 Nephi 28:21). The Bible Dictionary says ‘one of [his] 
major techniques . . . is to cause [you] to think [you] are following God’s ways when in 
reality [you] are deceived [into following] other paths.’ I tell you these things because 
I don’t want you to underestimate the power of your enemy. Remember: at this moment
 you are not yet on neutral ground. Through your natural man, you’re still the prisoner 
of an extremely vile and manipulative enemy—and he wants very much to keep it that way.

“The odd thing about this scene is that we’ve already spent a great deal of time on this 
battlefield, only we haven’t fared that well in the past. Though we probably mustered up
 enough strength to fend off the enemy here and there, we’ve still succumbed to his 
advances, listened to his lies, and acted on his temptations. Knocked to the ground again
 and again, we’ve struggled to find a way to conquer the villain once and for all. Though
 we desperately wanted to win this fight and rid ourselves of our personal dragonscales,
 we just haven’t known how to do it.

“Now we stand here, outfitted in our prince’s armor of light. While we may think we’re
 finally ready to triumph on the battlefield, let me remind you that just because you’re
 wearing the right gear, that doesn’t mean you’ll immediately conquer the adversary. 
This fight will be a fierce one, and you still need one more thing in order to succeed. 
What in the world could we add to our heavy armor, thick shield, and two-edged sword?
 It’s our prince’s power, of course, or his strengthening, enabling grace. And we don’t just
 need a little of it—we need Christ’s grace to fill us from the top of our head down to the
 very tips of our little toes (Wightman, A Princess Story, 173-175).

Does that just give you chills? Jaci paints a perfect picture of exactly who and what we are up
 against and how hard he will attempt to keep us in his clutches as we struggle to get free from
 him and his lies.

She then goes on to describe exactly how to combat Satan’s attempts to ensnare us and keep
 us trapped in his lies.  We have everything we need to combat his attack, but we must know
 what exactly is in our arsenal and we must practice using it for it to be effective. It’s another
 long chunk from her book again, but listen to how she describes our perfect defense against
 all of this. 

“...your most effective defense will be your offense—or the ‘quick and powerful’ sword of
 the Spirit (D&C 11:2). To show you how this mighty sword works in battle, let’s review
 some of the most common lies the adversary likes to fire our way. See if any of these fiery
 darts have planted their poison deep inside the thoughts of your head:

LIE: I can’t do anything right.
LIE: God doesn’t answer my prayers.
LIE: My body will never be beautiful or attractive.
LIE: I have no one to turn to.
LIE: My sins are too hard to overcome.
LIE: I don’t feel like my Savior really loves me.

    “Have any of these arrows ever wounded you or knocked you off your feet? If so, now you know
 exactly how to deal with them. In addition to relying on your armor to keep these falsehoods from
 penetrating your heart and mind, you can also strike back with the sword, or the Spirit-infused
 word of your prince that comes to you in the very moment of temptation. Here are a few
 examples of how the battle may unfold:
  • Let’s say you’re struggling with a personal weakness and Satan whispers his first little lie
     into your thoughts: You can’t do anything right.
  • Immediately, you counter with the word of God by pondering the scripture:I can do all
     things through Christ which strengtheneth me’ (Philippians 4:13).
  • Later that day, something you’d prayed about seems to fall through and the enemy quietly
     launches his next lie: God never answers your prayers.
  • Quickly, you draw the sword and hit him back with the verse: ‘In the day of my trouble I will
     call upon [God]: for [he] wilt answer me’ (Psalms 86:7).
  • When you’re getting ready for bed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and the
     next lie comes sailing through the air: ‘You’re fat and ugly. Who would ever love someone
     who looks like you?
  • By now you don’t even flinch. Rather than giving in to that thought, you meet the attack
     with boldness by repeating: ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalms 139:14) and
      ‘in the image of [God’s] own body [am I] created’ (Moses 6:9).

“On and on it goes. Every time the enemy sends his deceitful darts your way, you use your
 prince’s word as a sword to strike them down. (Of course, you have to spend lots of time in
 the scriptures so you’ll be able to wield the sword with flourish.) Using the Standard Works
 and the words of the prophets and apostles is an incredibly powerful way to deflect the fiery
 darts of the enemy.

“In the Book of Mormon, many different prophets used the word of God as a weapon when
 they battled Satan’s sidekicks. Jacob did that with Sherem (Jacob 7), Alma used it against
 Korihor (Alma 30), and it also worked for Amulek when he faced Zeezrom (Alma 11). Believe
 it or not, even the Lord himself relied on this strategy during his earthly ministry. When the
 enemy confronted Jesus while in the wilderness, he answered every temptation the devil
 threw at him by quoting verses from the Old Testament.

“When Satan tempted him to turn stones into bread, the Lord boldly replied: ‘It is written 
, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
 (Matthew 4:4). When the enemy encouraged him to display his power in a self-promoting

way, Christ answered: ‘It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God’ 
(Matthew 4:7). Finally, when Lucifer offered to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, our
 prince once more relied on the word as a sword by saying: ‘Get thee hence, Satan: for it is 
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve’ (Matthew 4:10).
 And you must use the very same strategy every time the enemy’s darts come whooshing 
through the air. Whether it’s one of your peers tempting you to do something or one of Satan’s
 henchmen trying to convince you to believe their devious little lies, you must meet that 
assault with the sword of the Spirit, or the word of God that’s been so generously provided by
 your prince.

“One of the trickiest things about this battle is that some of the enemy’s fiery darts are already
 lodged deep inside your heart. We talked earlier about how the villain has worked hard over the
 years to plant his lies inside you without you even realizing it. As we’ve gone through this story,
 I hope you discovered many of those hidden falsehoods and wrote them down in your journal. 
If you have, it’s now time to rip those lies right out of your mind and heart(pages 180-183).

Does that feel any better?  We can whip out our sword to combat Satan’s efforts.  As we do all
 we can to allow Truth in, then “nourish [the seed]” (Alma 32:37 )so the Truths are thriving, weed
 out the lies and truths, and maintain this precious soil of our mind, we will start to notice big 
changes.  We must use our agency to choose to do these things even if we don’t feel like it.  

We can see through the whispered lies at critical times like, “Praying or reading your scriptures 
won’t make you feel better.” Sometimes we must push through and choose to do what we know
 we should, even if we don’t feel like we want to, or think it will change anything, or it seems like
 nothing is happening immediately.  This is the way.

My experience with this whole weeding thing is that sometimes we don’t have to go through a
 nitty gritty process and only pull out one lie or truth at a time.  That is one way our 
mental/emotional self-care plan comes in handy. When we are regularly and purposely allowing
 ourselves to be in a state of mind that our Belief Boxes are wide open, lies and truths can be 
removed and Truths can come right in. This can happen without requiring our conscious 
awareness to do so and can come in chunks or layers at one time. 

Sometimes when I have noticed “Actions/Behaviors” or “Emotions” I haven’t been able to put 
into words, pin down, or even walk back generally, prayer has been especially helpful.  My 
experience has been that certain lies or truths can be swapped for Truth as God changes my
 insight without my even having to put them into words. I have only been aware that there was
 something there. This has been a gift because of prayer demonstrating my willingness to 
change and inviting God to help me to do it. This hasn’t always been the case, but sometimes
 it has happened this way for me.

Also, just like stubborn weeds, sometimes these lies and truths can take time to uproot.  
Sometimes the roots run deep. We may have to leave it and come back when we have better
 tools or chip away at it a bit at a time. Some Truth seeds also take time in order to actually stick
 and grow.  Sometimes it requires multiple exposures to the Truth before we are ready to accept
 it or we must clear away a space first in order to receive it. We can be patient with this process,
 knowing it takes time, yet do our best to be consistent with it.

Can you see why we spent so much time talking about awareness of our physical bodies, and
 now our minds?  I hope you have also caught the ways that the Fall has affected your body and
 your mind personally. Have you started to pick up on the ways Christ can help you in your own
 individual circumstances? Are you using your Be Still time each day to do these things?  I hope

Let me reiterate as clearly as I possibly can that this process addresses our lives at the roots.  
Can you see that? When we change what is in our Belief Boxes---or to say it more accurately, 
we allow the contents to be changed, there is nothing to trigger.  When we are changed at the 
“Belief” level, it takes care of the demands on our minds and our hearts that would prevent us
 from being able to fully minister.  How can we expect to be able to help others become better
 disciples of Christ if our own minds are swimming with lies or truths? 

As we grow deep roots of faith and become well-rooted in Christ and Truth, "...he Lord [will grant] unto [us] power, according to [our] faith which [is] in Christ" (Alma 14:28). If my power was proportional to my faith, how would I be doing? If I need more power, then I simply need to be willing to increase my faith in Christ.

Again, some experiences must include our body to release the trauma or to reset the nervous
 system or brain. As we discussed earlier, the releasing and resolving process of trauma 
requires an experience.  As I just showed you, there are many options and God will use those
 experiences at the right time that will be able to penetrate through and release and resolve 
the trauma for it.  

Again, this may not be as cut and dried a process for most of us.  It may look different from 
what has been laid out here. It may need to be adapted.  Those who have extra Belief Boxes
 to rummage through, extremely painful traumatic events, or complex trauma would do well to
 seriously consider professional help.  I acknowledge that this is a simplified representation of
 what you will be shooting for. But these are the principles of addressing trauma at the roots 
as well as overcoming any habits or patterns that would hinder our ability to minister to others.

As we close this chapter, I hope you feel excited and empowered.  And as you lean heavily 
upon your Savior, you can have exactly what you need to have the courage, strength, and 
answers to pass through this leg of your journey.  You can allow His love to fill every part of 
your body and come flooding into your mind and your heart. You are loved beyond words 
and you are worthy of that love!  He is ready for you to clear away whatever is holding you 
back from being able to feel that and come to know that for yourself. Next, we need to catch 
yet another effect of the Fall as we plunge right into the spiritual aspect of our journey.

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