Ministering from the Inside Out: Intro

Ten years ago, my family moved into a ward that changed our lives forever. All within our 7 year window of being in that ward, we experienced the loss of 6 babies to miscarriage, 2 high risk pregnancies where I was on bedrest for months at a time, 2 rounds of unemployment, my husband’s relapse for pornography and sex addiction, and my battle with betrayal trauma. Ministering is more than just doing nice things for people. It is pointing others to Jesus Christ with power and precision. “The purpose of ministering is to help others to become true followers of Jesus Christ” (Handbook of Instruction 3.2.3).

We were ministered to by our ward family during these fiery trials of our faith. Because of this, we not only had our complex needs met, but these challenges also worked for our eternal benefit with the potential to bless countless others. Ward family members could have easily stopped at helping to meet short-term needs by focusing on serving us. Instead, we were ministered to in such a way that we were also shown the patterns to personally pursue in order to later become the “...instruments...unto salvation of many souls” (Alma 17:11). We were able to discover the strength, power, and love of Jesus Christ through others’ efforts to minister to us during these difficult experiences. Their efforts also have made it possible for us to take our own shakey steps to pay it forward and pass on these same principles and patterns to others.

With the exciting announcements during April 2018 General Conference, individuals may be wondering what ministering is and how to do it. As a brand newly called Stake Relief Society President (I had accepted the call about 48 hours previously), I was invited to a training with our area 70. He had recently spent 3 days being trained by The First Presidency and 12 Apostles primarily on ministering. That night I learned that ministering isn’t a “rebranding” of Home and Visiting Teaching. Ministering isn’t a program either. Without having previous opportunities to experience it or see it modeled, it’s easy to find ourselves anywhere from curious to confused as we all learn together and help one another during this transitional period. It appears that our starting point for ministering is praying for inspiration and opportunities to serve. Although that is part of the process, this book proposes a less than obvious starting point. As we ourselves become better disciples of Jesus Christ, He can use us in the lives of others in powerful ways that are only made possible if we take this inward journey first. Ministering simply means that we point others to Christ through the Covenants and Ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In Alma 26, Ammon and the other Sons of Mosiah were reviewing the amazing opportunities and successes they had in preaching to the Lamanites. Ammon’s words echo this truth: the more we allow Christ into our lives, the better ministering sisters or brothers we will be. “Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance” (Alma 26:22).

I believe we must learn to minister from the inside out. Ministering happens as we partner with Jesus Christ and work in His strength and love---first inside our own personal lives to clear away whatever is keeping us from fully coming to Him, then outside to all within the sound of our voice or circle of influence (both inside and outside of our homes). It is as we go through this process first for ourselves that now there is room to hear His voice clearly and be filled with Christ’s love. As we allow Christ and His love to be in us, it is then that we can truly petition our Father in Heaven on the behalf of others and know what their current level of understand is and what would personally bring them closer to Christ.

My hope is that this book will be more like a workbook than a novel. I recommend you grab a notebook or a journal and a pen or pencil.  At the end of each chapter I have included a “THEREFORE WHAT?” portion.  Here you will find additional study suggestions and challenges to act.  I invite you to take advantage of these opportunities to dig deeper. It is in taking action on the things that we are learning that solidifies our understanding.

I speak boldly and confidently of Christ! It is my greatest hope that this book won't just be a read it and walk away experience for you. I hope that my words can point you to Him who can bring peace, strength, and endurance not only in your personal life, but also as you begin to truly understand your potential role in saving souls.  Christ can heal you and change you; He can do that for those you love and care about, too. Maybe all He needs in order to reach those around you is a willing instrument like you. There are people who see what I have and want it.  Although I cannot promise you that your life will go exactly how you want or expect it to, I can show you the patterns. This process will require action.  I pray that you will take courage to "experiment upon [the] word" (Alma 32:27) as I share in my own voice the doctrines and principles that have changed me and my life.

Chapter 1 starts HERE.
