
I would invite you to spend 10,000 hours studying, seeking to understand, 
and experiencing the ordinances as you go to the temple and perform the 
vital work for your kindred dead!  There is layer upon layer of symbolism in 
the ordinances and the temple itself. For most of us, it takes a lifetime to 
begin to catch the significance and the breath-taking beauty.  We will only 
touch on this briefly, so take time to study deeper on your own.

What is the big deal about ordinances?  “Ordinances are our access to the 
covenants...A covenant is a binding agreement…[that] carries a promised 
blessing if obeyed. These covenants are…[required to] receive the wholeness 
of God’s blessing…[He requires] the commitment of a stated covenant before 
He bestows His greatest blessings upon them... in addition to being symbols, 
ordinances render a special function. It is in the performance of an ordinance 
that each covenant is implemented and activated in one’s life” (Source)

The ordinances, by the correlating covenants, give us power. It isn’t just any 
power either!  As we enter into covenants and keep them, we are filled with 
Christ’s power. “And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the 
Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, 
and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the 
face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power 
of God in great glory” (1 Nephi 14:14).  

The ordinances themselves do not bring salvation (see Alma 25:15, Hebrews 10:1,  
Mosiah 3:14-15, and Alma 34:10). As we keep our covenants they can bring salvation, 
but only because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.  These ordinances draw on 
 Christ’s power to bring us back into God’s presence and exalt us. “The Atonement 
is what gives life and breath and substance to every gospel principle and ordinance” 
(Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 278). As we more fully understand that these 
ordinances are able to take effect only because of Christ and His power, the 
symbolism can stand as powerful reminders of Him.

Can you see Christ in the ordinance of baptism?  Water and fire are the two cleansing 
agents found in nature.  Baptism has both: water (the baptism) and fire (the 
accompanying ordinance of receiving the Holy Ghost).  Water and fire represent our 
being cleansed. But it isn’t being immersed with water that actually washes away our 
sins.  Nor is it the burning of the Holy Ghost that purifies us (more on that in a moment). 

These cleansing agents simply stand as symbols  (see Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 284). “Ye must be born again into the kingdom of heaven, of water, and of the Spirit, and be 
cleansed by blood, even the blood of mine Only Begotten; that ye might be sanctified 
from all sin” (Moses 6:59, emphasis added).  It is ultimately through Christ’s blood that 
we are cleansed. His atoning sacrifice brings meaning to what we are doing the day 
we step into the waters of baptism. Baptism grants us entrance into God’s church here 
on the earth and we also walk through the gate as we begin our covenant path 
(2 Nephi 31:9,17-18).

As we move on to the endowment, let me offer what I expect to be a familiar and 
brief definition of what the endowment is. “Your endowment is to receive all those 
ordinances in the House of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have 
departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing 
the angels who stand as sentinels, being able to give them the key words, the signs, 
and tokens, pertaining to the Holy Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite 
of earth and hell” (Discourses of Brigham Young, comp. John A Widtsoe [Salt Lake 
City: Deseret Book Co., 1971], page 637.)

President Boyd K. Packer said this about the temple ordinances, “To endow is to 
enrich. To give to another something long lasting and of much worth.  The temple 
endowment ordinances enrich in three ways: (a) The one receiving the ordinance 
is given power from God. ‘Recipients are endowed with power from on high.’ (b) A 
recipient is also endowed with information and knowledge.  ‘They receive an 
education relative to the Lord’s purposes and plans.’ (Mormon Doctrine, page 227.) 
(c) When sealed at the altar a person is the recipient of glorious blessings, powers, 
and honors as part of his endowment...when you will receive your endowments you 
will receive instruction relative to the purpose and plans of the Lord in creating and 
peopling the earth.  You will be taught what must be done for you to gain exaltation ” 
(Packer, The Holy Temple, 153, 154, emphasis added).  (President Packer referenced 
the following definition of the endowment by Elder James E. Talmage when he spoke 
of the adequate instruction we are given in the temple. “The Temple Endowment, as 
administered in modern temples, comprises instruction relating to the significance and 
sequence of past dispensations, and the importance of the present as the greatest and 
grandest era in human history.  This course of instruction includes a recital of the most 
prominent events of the creative period, the condition of our first parents in the Garden of 
Eden, their disobedience and consequent expulsion from that blissful abode, their condition 
in the lone and dreary world when doomed to live by labor and sweat, the plan of redemption
 by which the great transgression may be atoned, the period of the great apostasy, 
the restoration of the Gospel with all its ancient powers and privileges, the absolute and 
indispensable condition of personal purity and devotion to the right in present life, and a strict
compliance with Gospel requirements (The House of the Lord, pages 99-100).)

The endowment may be easy to perceive as something that is all finished the 
day we go to the temple for ourselves, but did you catch what President Packer 
said?  During the endowment we are taught what we need what must be done 
to gain exaltation. Notice that he didn’t say we are taught what has already been 
done.  The endowment can be seen as a call to further and continued action in 
our lives. The endowment teaches us how to “[pass] the angels who stand as 
sentinels,” or in other words, the endowment teaches us how to progress through 
the levels God’s justice.  Because of His justice, He places sentinels, or guards, 
to prevent unworthy beings from entering God’s presence. “Recall that after 
Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden, ‘cherubim and a flaming 
sword’ were placed at the entrance of the garden (Moses 4:31) shutting them 
(and their posterity) out of the presence of God and partaking of the tree of life 
(Moses 5:4). The cherubim represent the justice of God that will not allow 
unworthy beings to come into his presence (the same as the river of filthy 
water in Lehi's dream of the tree of life - 1 Nephi 8:13-26; 12:18). They are 
what Brigham Young taught, ‘the angels who stand as sentinels’ guarding 
the way ‘to the presence of the Father.’ Therefore, Adam and Eve needed 
instruction on how to regain God's presence. Alma taught that God ‘saw that 
it was expedient that man should know concerning the things whereof he had 
appointed unto them; Therefore he sent angels to converse with them"’
(Alma 12:28-29; see also Moses 5:58; D&C 29:42). Angels taught Adam 
and his posterity that salvation would come through ‘their faith and repentance 
and their holy works’ (Alma 12:30). Moses 6: 64-67 show that part of the 
‘holy works’ included the participation of sacred ordinances: first, baptism; 
second, reception of the Holy Ghost; third, entrance into the order of God. 
President Ezra Taft Benson defined what the order of God is:

       "‘When our Heavenly Father place Adam and Eve on this earth, He did so 
with the purpose in mind of teaching them how to regain His presence. Our Father 
promised a Savior to redeem them from their fallen condition. He gave to them the 
plan of salvation and told them to teach their children faith in Jesus Christ, and 
repentance. Further, Adam and his posterity were commanded by God to be baptized, 
to receive the Holy Ghost, and to enter into the order of the Son of God. To enter into 
the order of the Son of God is the equivalent today of entering into the fullness of the 
Melchizedek Priesthood, which is only received in the house of the Lord’” (Source).

We already had a discussion on justice and being justified.  The same principles 
apply as we consider God’s justice here. It is through Jesus Christ and His 
Atonement that we can pass these guardians.  It is through Christ and His 
mercy that these demands of justice can be met for us personally, if we allow 
them to be. Watch for this the next time you participate in the endowment. In 
its simplest explanation, the Endowment is our opportunity to understand what 
we need to accomplish in order to return to God’s presence.

“Associated with the endowment are washing and anointings---mostly symbolic 
in nature, but promising definite, immediate blessings as well as future blessings...
In connection with these ordinances, in the temple you will be officially clothed in 
the garment and promised marvelous blessings in connection with it.  It is important 
that you listen carefully as these ordinances are administered and that you try to 
remember the blessings promised and the conditions upon with they will be realized. 

“The sealing ordinance is that ordinance which binds families eternally.  Temple 
marriage is a sealing ordinance” (Packer, The Holy Temple, 155).

These ordinances are vital requirements if our goal is to know God.  “..ordinances 
lead the participant to know God...Willing participation in the plan is required if a 
person wishes to obtain the fulness of the Father’s blessings and become like Him. 
The Lord causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall and countless blessings to come 
upon both the just and the unjust, but complete salvation is reserved for those who 
follow Christ and obey the Father through His plan of ordinances” (Source, emphasis added)

”...in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest’” (D&C 84:20).  In other 
words, as we participate in these ordinances, enter into covenants, and keep them, there is 
power---through Jesus Christ---for each of God’s children to individually become like Him.  
God has a plan not only to exalt His children collectively, but to do so for you personally as 
well. And as He works with you in those details, you will very soon be able to turn and support 
others as they begin theirs.

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