What is Your Plan?

I have recently heard President Ballard on three separate occasions (our Stake Conference, CES fireside, and in General Conference) encourage us to sit down and take inventory of ourselves. Here is your chance to do that for yourself!  How are YOU doing in caring for your body?

I have given you some space below to write it out.  What does YOUR plan look like?  I have suggested some general areas, but know there isn’t a right or wrong way to do it.  Maybe you don’t need all these sub-categories in your physical self-care plan.  Maybe you need subcategories I haven’t thought of.  That is okay.  Remember, it’s about you understanding PERSONALLY, so that needs to be what works for you.

Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously in this process. We can take this invitation and swing to an extreme as we become rigid in our expectations. It is possible to go through the motions of caring for our body without actually being connected to it or present with ourselves.  That is contrary to what we are seeking to accomplish. I would invite you to consider this with a light heart, knowing a plan to care for ourselves physically isn’t actually our end goal.





Vitamins, herbs, supplements, or minerals:


Medical Care (preventative, maintenance, and necessary treatment):

Other (Chiropractor, massages, pedicures, hair appointments, whatever else you need):

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