My Angel Babies

Photo Source HERE
It feels a bit jumbled to post this now; however, this poem was too much of a treasure to keep to myself.  I feel balanced and at peace.  A few months back my feelings were very raw.  Having the hiccup with Shipton brought grief to the surface that I didn't realize was still there from our losses.  Heavenly Father has been mindful of me as I sorted through feelings and gave me new insight and understanding.  Writing this poem was a good release of the grief. 

I also realized that where I lost my babies so early in pregnancy I didn't have anything tangible.  My husband had a custom necklace made for me.  To me it was such a tender acknowledgement that the little ones I carried were real to someone else too.

It says "Mommy of Angels" and "Swallowed Up in Joy"

For anyone interested, he requested a custom order from etsy.  She was fabulous to work with!
