FAQ: Hypnobabies Home Study Course

What is Home Study?

One of the great things about Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Childbirth program is that they have a Self Study option.
 When a mom, for whatever reason, can't get to a live class, they can still get all the benefits of the program.
 Click HERE for more information and HERE to order the program. I do not have any copies on hand. 

What is The Home Study Advantage Course?

For a Mom in the Rexburg or the surrounding area who can't make it to a Live class and has chosen to follow the Self Study Hypnobabies program, I offer a Home Study Advantage. After a Mom has completed the Self Study program, I can meet with her and her birth partner (and doula, if applicable). I will answer any questions you might have about Hypnobabies or birthing time. We will then do a birth rehearsal to practice your cues, review the Birth Partners Guide, and talk about how you envision your child's birth unfolding and practical ways to help that happen. I am also available throughout the 5 weeks that you are following Hypnobabies Home Study Course, as well as after completing the course  to answer any questions.

The Hypnobabies Home Study meeting will take about 3 hours and is $150

Home Study Vs. Live Course

Type your paragraph here.

Hypnobabies suggests that anyone who lives near one of our instructors take our Hypnobabies

Childbirth Hypnosis group class with a certified Hypnobabies Instructor (HCHI).

The benefits of attending a group Hypnobabies Class include:

·         More detailed information on every subject.
·         Your questions answered by our instructors who are knowledgeable about childbirth, and trained in hypnosis.
·         Additional handouts.
·         6 Hypnobabies scripts in a booklet for use in daily Hypnobabies practice.
·         Demonstrations of all Hypnobabies hypnosis techniques.
·         Depth assessment of each student’s hypnosis levels by the Hypnobabies instructor.
·         Phone consultations with your Hypnobabies Instructor.
·         Prenatal exercise demonstration and practice.
·         Hands-on training for Birth Partners, who receive a “Birth Partner’s Guide” booklet for use during birthing,
 and the Birth Partner’s “Relax & Feel Confident” hypnosis CD.
·         In-depth explanations, demonstrations and practice of the “Abdominal Lift & Tuck” to avoid back labor and
 to encourage a posterior baby to turn.
·         Optimal Fetal Positioning explanations and demonstrations to prevent posterior presentation.
·         A Birth Rehearsal in Class # 6, which is invaluable for helping each Hypno-Mom fully understand and 
experience their Hypnobabies techniques in a simulated birthing scenario; complete with Birth Balls, 
changing positions, walking etc. The Birth Rehearsal is also great practice for the Birth Partner to use his 
deepening cues and other techniques that help the mom so wonderfully during labor. This helps build the 
confidenc elevel of Mom and the Birth Partner tremendously.
·         New Mother & Baby Care workbook, which includes information about postpartum care, new baby care, 
breastfeeding, bonding and more. 

And……from our VP Carole Thorpe: “I would add FUN!!! A lot of kidding and just plain silliness happens in
 my Hypnobabies classes. Camaraderie is not to be underestimated. Generally, I have noticed that some of 
the birth partners show up to Class One and exhibit the body language/attitude of “OHMIGOSH! …what has 
my wife gotten me into now?!” The classroom setting, and the community that develops with other couples,
 helps them to see that they are not alone in this “different” way to help their wife have their baby. It is helpfu
l to hypno-dads/birth partners to see that Hypnobabies can be beautiful and effective, and also make childbirth
 enjoyable for everyone.”
Click HERE for a detailed comparison of Homestudy Vs. Live.
