All Lit Up

“Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 
share this message with others and practice these principles in all you do”  
(ARP Manual, step 12).  Once we have been through this process of
finding our personal Savior for ourselves, we are naturally driven to
share this message of hope with those around us.  It is simply an
outward manifestation of what is happening deep inside of us.

There is no forcing.

There is no faking.

These personal experiences have created an outflowing of sincere desire.
We want others to taste the joy, love, and peace for themselves (1 Nephi 8:15).

This last chapter focuses on taking this beautiful message of hope to
others who are outside the walls of our own homes. In this chapter,
we will figure out what is needed in order to get started in reaching out
beyond our homes to individuals and potentially groups of individuals.

I will explain how this message was brought to me. We will also explore some
of the patterns I learned from those experiences that have helped me in
"passing it on" in my own budding attempts to be on the Lord’s errand
through ministering. 

Although I will focus primarily of how this might look in our wards and stakes,
I believe these same principles and patterns are applicable in all our circles of
influence whether that means in our neighborhoods, places of employment,
with non-members, and even complete strangers. We will touch a little on
how these other opportunities to minister might look; however, we will leave
those experiences primarily up to your own discovery.

The title of this section is my attempt to articulate how I felt after things really
began to click with my new understanding of Jesus Christ. As you can see
what He has done for you, maybe you resonate with the
prophet Jeremiah, ”..But His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut
up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay
(Jeremiah 20:9, emphasis added).  

After all you have been through with your dear Savior,
“...[you] cannot but speak the things which [you] have seen and heard”
(Acts 4:20, emphasis added). You literally stand as a living witness of
the reality of Jesus Christ, of His power, mercy and grace, and of the
truthfulness of His gospel. I believe such a burning desire to share the
good news is at the very heart of ministering.

What are we to do with this fire that has been all lit up inside of us?
Can it somehow be funneled into something that is actually
productive and impactful? Is there something we can do to keep it
steady so it won't quickly burn itself out with all the new found excitement
and passion?

I have learned first-hand in recent years that there is much necessary 
refinement ahead for those eager to participate in the work of saving souls.
Even with deep roots, there have been hundreds of times now
that I could have easily turned back or given up. That is why I believe this
burning desire to help bring others to Christ is best channeled as
we give Heavenly Father our up-front commitment. He has an
essential work for each one of us individually in the winding up
scenes before Christ's return. Have you ever considered before
that this personal mission could actually be a form of ministering?

Your committing to a life of ministering may not be one single pivotal
moment like it was for me---a life-changing sacred prayer after intense
search where I finally caught a glimpse of myself and my potential
However, whether gradually or suddenly, we come 
to see who we really are as a precious and unique child of God, as well as
the important work we must do. We recognize the power within 
us to influence those around us in ways that encourage others to step 
closer to their Savior.

As I got off my knees and jumped back into "real life," I did so with much
enthusiasm. I was anticipating the road ahead to be paved smoothly and in gold.
Although I acknowledge there have been miracles and breath-taking high vistas,
there have also been challenges, obstacles, and disappointments.
Doors that seemed like they "should" swing wide open have actually
slammed closed in my face.

I believe commitment to the refining process, commitment to ourselves
and being true to who we really are, as well as commitment to the
mission Heavenly Father has for each one of us is essential. Without
that anchor, it's too easy to give up. If left to our own strength and
wisdom, we fall terribly short of the Divine potential within us.
The fire will quickly be snuffed out.

This commitment may become easier for us as we invite for the
experiences that will help us remember why we are here on the
earth. As we have explored together previously, we are not only
here to accomplish great thing collectively, but also personally.
Such experiences are written in our hearts and can be remembered
in times of great difficulty---when we are reminded that ministering
can include moments of rejection.

We might decide to ask our Heavenly Father what He needs us to
accomplish. Then maybe we ask Him what that has to do with ministering.

I believe in order for this fire to work from within us to keep us motivated
in bringing souls unto Christ, it requires confidence in God. I believe it
also means we can catch glimpses of His confidence in us.

As you seek to carry this message of hope and joy to others, it will need to be 
in your own way. God needs you to do the work that no other can do. Elder John 
C. Pingree Jr. said, “These divine assignments [we were given in heaven] are not 
reserved for a privileged few but are for all of us—regardless of gender, age, race, 
nationality, income level, social status, or Church calling. Every one of us has a 
meaningful role to play in furthering God’s work (see Moses 1:39).

“Some of us question whether Heavenly Father can use us to make important 
contributions. But remember, He has always used ordinary people to accomplish 
extraordinary things (see 1 Corinthians 1:27–28; D&C 35:13; 124:1). ‘[We] are 
agents,’ and ‘the power is in [us]’ to ‘bring to pass much righteousness’ 
(D&C 58:27–28) (Source, emphasis added).

Recently, President Nelson has said, "God uses the unlikely to
accomplish the impossible" (His recent book...get the title and page #) 
We need not fear our inabilities, weaknesses, or past mistakes. 
In order for God to use us as a conduit between Heaven and earth,
all He needs is our simple commitment...He will do the rest.

You will discover the ways God needs you to share---in the power of your own
unique voice---the things you have learned.  We all pass through devastating
personal experiences as part of our mortal journey. As one who has sought
and found the healing balm of Christ in the aftermath of bitterness, who better
to send than you?  Because of your past experiences, you can come with a
compassion that few can.  You can be with others in their pain, and you know
firsthand the power of the Atonement.

Decades ago President Kimball gave a prophecy about the women in the church 
before Christ’s coming (Source).  President Nelson reviewed this prophecy in recent years.  
My favorite addition he made to the prophecy is this paragraph, “Attacks against the 
Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we 
need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who 
will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation. We 
need women who can detect deception in all of its forms. We need women who know 
how to access the power that God makes available to covenant keepers and who 
express their beliefs with confidence and charity. We need women who have the 
courage and vision of our Mother Eve.”

Sister Sharon Eubank also referenced President Kimball’s prophecy in the October 
2017 Women’s General Meeting. This is us! Who better could He send?  God 
desperately needs women (and men) :) who have come to know Christ personally 
and have that “bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ.”  With your newfound 
awareness, you have learned to begin to “detect deception in all its forms.” You now 
know how to call down the powers of heaven through your covenants with God.  
Such individuals who have spent the time and effort examining their own beliefs closely 
can now “express [them] with confidence and charity.” Like we explored earlier, these 
individuals now “have the courage and vision of Mother Eve.”

What if it is you

The following memory is etched so clearly in my mind.  The day before I was to 
meet with the attorney to file for divorce, I remember looking around the room at 
the other sisters in Relief Society.  I felt embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed. 
“What will everyone think when they found out? I am such a failure.” 

My eyes passed from what I perceive to be perfect sister to the next perfect sister. 
I compared what I knew about each one of their seemingly spotless lives to my own. 
My life was in complete shambles.  I didn’t even feel worthy to be sitting in the same
 room with these women. I distinctly remember the thought that my life was over because, 
“How could God ever use me to reach His children or serve them?” 

Ironically, this, and other life experiences that seemed to be the most unbearable
and shameful at the time have actually been exactly what God has needed for the 
message of Christ to penetrate into hurting hearts.  There are times where He has 
needed someone who understands what it feels like to “not fit the mold.”  He needs 
someone who knows the shame from a spouse’s unrighteous choices. He needs 
someone who will reach with compassion and empathy. 

How wrong I was in my thinking that day!  If I could have had but had a tiny glimpse 
into impact of Him ‘[giving] unto [me] beauty for ashes” (Isaiah 61:3) I would have been 
jumping for joy for the breathtaking and privileged bright future ahead of me!  My life 
had completely burned to the ground, and like a phoenix rising from the ashes, He 
rebuilt me into something more incredible than I could ever imagine was possible. 

It is the very things that I once thought made me somehow damaged that actually bring 
the most beauty.  This special beauty, or appeal, makes it possible for me to serve others 
with empathy and compassion. Because I can speak from one who was sitting in nothing 
but ashes, my experiences can bless others with insight into their own circumstances as I 
testify of Jesus Christ. I am exactly who God needs---not in spite of what I have been
through, but because of it!  And what a privilege it is when I get to be on His errand to
deliver the love, hope, and light of my Savior to God’s children!  I still can’t believe the
sacred and tender experiences I have had! He sends me, and He will send you, too.
So get on your knees if you haven't already and commit to Him that you will rise up in t
he ways that He needs you to and ask Him how you can point others to Jesus Christ.

Some may fear that committing to this work means we have to "tell all," are
required to "air our dirty laundry," or we have to be bold or outspoken. I believe
when we have opportunities to share with others, it's okay to not always feel
comfortable enough to be open about the details of what we have been through.
Often we may find we don't even have the need to be open about it in order to

Maybe our sharing this message of hope simply means we are better spouses,
parents, teachers, or friends.  We are a safe place---a harbor in stormy seas---
where other hearts can feel loved and understood during difficulties of their own.  
However you do it, in subtle or bold ways, you will be referencing back to the
knowledge you have gained through your own personal experience.  

You may never even articulate it directly, yet the journey you have had with
Christ is your unspoken reference in every conversation and interaction
from here on out. It is now written in your heart!  It is burning in your bones!

There is no one “right” way to minister to groups of people or, in what may
be a broad-scale, of our life's work. The pattern is that we simply commit
to God and He will lead us along in discovering where our unique voice is
needed. Similarly, our efforts to minister to "the one" will likely be different
from how those around us approach it. The only way to know how to
minister to individuals also flows through us from our Heavenly
Father. There is no one "right" way to minister to individuals. There is
no secret list that we can check to see if what we are doing "counts."

Each one of us brings unique talents, abilities, and insights to the table. God’s
children must also be ministered to in ways that will point them to 
Jesus Christ.

Since understanding of the gospel doesn't come for each one of us in the same
ways, we are all at different places in our current level of understanding, and we
don't all resonate with the same teaching or learning style, ministering usually
looks different every time. Some times a little different. Some times majorly different.

A few years ago, I stumbled across a verse that intrigued me. I
had never noticed it before, but in D&C 90:11 it says, " shall come to pass
in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own
tongue, and in his own language."

I was serving in Primary at the time and we were working on the Articles
of Faith, so "in his own tongue" translated to me as a foreign language
("the gift of tongues"). I understood it to mean that everyone will get the
opportunity to hear the gospel in their mother language
...but why does it then also say "and in his own language?" Is the Lord repeating
the same thing twice?

I had my suspicion that He was saying two different things, but couldn't
have full confidence until I later found another verse. 2 Nephi 31:3
says, "For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God
work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the
understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto
their understanding."

When I read that verse, it sunk deeply into my heart that God speaks to 
us in ways that we can understand. He is not only able to speak our 
"language," but He is also aware of what that language is. He knows
where we are right now and the ways He can speak to us that will move
us closer to Christ.

It is so individually tailored because unless He speaks
to us that way, we cannot understand. We can hear foreign languages,
yet still not understand what it means. He wants us to understand! Understanding 
gives us the experiences that actually change us. It is our understanding that 
creates the fruits (see Matthew 13: 19&23).

I believe this is a pattern worth emulating! If ministering is something that moves
another closer to Christ, it is then our job to learn to speak others' "languages."
We need to discern what an individual's current level of understanding is
and what would move them towards their Savior.

There may be similar or comparable patterns from one opportunity to minister
to another, but the details are always custom-made by God who is aware of
His children. He generously grants inspiration to those who go directly to
Him to know what each individual child needs in order to find Christ from
moment to moment.

As you pray, God can show you where and how He needs you. You are needed 
just as the voices that brought you to discover this message were needed in order
for you to find Christ. We are only able to stand because we stand on the shoulders
of the giants who have gone before us. Ministering is our chance to pay it forward
and to pass it on. The hope of being His instrument in ways that nobody else can
duplicate adds fuel to the fire burning inside of us.

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