Three Pillars of Eternity

We need to back up just a little bit to re-frame this.  Remember, you have 10,000 hours to study about all of this.  This book isn’t intended to be an all-inclusive source, but a brief overview so you can have your own tailored journey. I was reading in the Book of Mormon where the people were trying to get rid of the Gadianton robbers.  Listen to what the Lamanites did. “And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Lamanites” (Helaman 6:37, emphasis added).  I guess I hadn’t stopped to seriously think about that before.  What did the Lamanites preach to these robbers that had the power to turn most of these hardened and wicked hearts to truth and goodness? This passage doesn’t say, but it reminds me of the account in Alma 22.

Aaron was led to teach King Lamoni’s father and he was eagerly received.  What did Aaron teach that led the king to exclaim, “I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy” (verse 15, emphasis added)?  The chapter heading answers that question for us. “Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the Creation, the Fall of Adam, and the plan of redemption through Christ.”

When we really understand the Creation and the Fall, it can bring clarity to our need for the Atonement. These can be hard doctrines to understand, particularly the Fall.  As mortals we try to soften the blow and add “padding” and dilute them down.  We try to comprehend the infinite with our finite minds, and inevitably, parts get lost. “The things of God can be understood only by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Elder Bruce R. McConkie).

We must search for pure doctrine from pure sources and invite the Holy Ghost to help us discern and to understand.  Additionally, there are many points of the Creation and the Fall that are clarified or different because of the Restoration. Having a fullness of the truth sets us apart from what the rest of the Christian world at large understands about these events. These “three greatest events (the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement) that have ever occurred in all eternity... are interwoven to form one grand plan of salvation. If we can gain an understanding of them, then the whole eternal scheme of things will fall into place, and we will be in a position to work out our salvation. If we do not build our house of salvation on a true foundation, we will never make the spiritual progress that will prepare us to enter the Eternal Presence” (Elder Bruce R. McConkie).

To be as brief as possible, I invite you to study this chart from The Infinite Atonement by Elder Tad R. Callister, page 50.  It isn’t intended to be an all-inclusive reference either, but it “may be helpful in giving an overall perspective to these interrelated events” (Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 50).

There were four unique circumstances as Adam & Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden at the time of Creation: immortality, living in God’s presence, being in a state of innocence, and being unable to have children.  They have (+) or (-) next to them referencing the eternal scheme of things. God wants all of these circumstances to be positive eventually and has provided the way---through His Son---so they can be.  There is much to study about the Fall and I invite you to consider including a detailed study of it as you seek to understand more about Jesus Christ.

After the Fall, note how all four of these circumstances flip (from + to - or vice versa).  Note after the Atonement, all are (+).  I would invite you to actually go to the scripture verses or passages and maybe even get out your notebook and pen.  Remember to use the footnotes to study as well.

Now here is where things really changed for me (and I hope they will for you too). Yes, we need to understand that Adam & Eve were created, that Adam & Eve fell, and Adam & Eve needed a Savior. There are important things for us to understand generally about these critical events.  But that isn’t enough!  How do these events and the details surrounding them affect you?  Up next, we will explore the Fall (and therefore the Atonement) in more detailed and personal ways.  We are going to have to get much more specific about our “raphah” (be still) time in order to have the personal “yada`” (know) experience that we are seeking.

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