Learning to Speak a New Language

I was initially stumped...then intrigued. Why had I never noticed this before? Was it really saying what I thought it was saying? The Savior promised Jospeh Smith, "...every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language" (D&C 90:11, emphasis added).  I guess maybe it was all the years serving in Primary and reciting The Articles of Faith, but my mind had always substituted the word "tongue" for "foreign language." But this time, I noticed something different.

"Why would He repeat Himself twice? Why would He say 'foreign language' and then 'language' again just a few words later?'" Like so many other similar moment in the scriptures, I suspected there was something below the surface of this verse that Heavenly Father wanted me to understand.

So I simmered on it for about a year. Then I came across this verse in the Book of Mormon, "...For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding" (2 Nephi 31:3). There it was...the confirmation I needed to absorb it.

Each one of us has a different current level of understanding. Based on where we are at right now, it requires different experiences for each one of us to move closer to Jesus Christ. We all have different learning styles and Heavenly Father knows that. Each one of us has our "own tongue..." and we speak our "own language." Guess what? God knows how to speak it!

As we prayerfully partner with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we can learn these things about the individuals around us. We can learn to speak their language, even if it feels like a foreign language to us at first. We can discover another individual's current level of understanding and confidently receive the personal revelation we need to support them in moving closer to Jesus Christ. One by one. I believe this can even happen in brief interactions with complete strangers as we learn to rely more and more carefully on the Holy Ghost. To me, this is what ministering means. We are simply the instrument helping to offer the tailored experience another individual needs to move closer to Jesus Christ and along the covenant path.

As the understanding of these verses began to sink in, I realized I have no direct control over where a person's current level of understanding is. I have the power to influence change, but I can't choose where they are at. I can't pound truths into their hearts by speaking "my" language when they speak a completely different language. I can't teach them something in a learning style that doesn't stick. Just because certain details have worked or work for me, doesn't necessarily mean they will work for someone else.

I realized that because I can't change others, I need God to change me.

I need Him to shape me and mold me to become a sharper instrument. I need Him to teach me and school me. I need Him to help me to observe and learn the patterns...to be able to reach with pinpoint precision...to know with clarity what exactly needs to be said or done or how it needs to be said or done. If my desire is to partner with my Savior in saving souls, I need to be more than what I am right now.

Shortly after finding the sister verse in the Book of Mormon, I found the following verses. "...[Nephi] went forth among them in that same year, and began to testify, boldly, repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. And he did minister many things unto them...And Nephi did minister with power and with great authority. And it came to pass that [the people] were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister unto him daily" (3 Nephi 7: 16-18).

What would it be like to speak with power and authority in such a tailored way that it is impossible to not believe on your words as you speak of Jesus christ?

President Nelson's recent blogpost to the sisters about gathering Israel connected some major puzzle pieces for me personally. Now I understand why I was and have been so drawn to do things I never saw coming. I have been adamantly passionate about being a stay-at-home mom. Although my family still gets more of my time, energy, and attention than anybody else, I felt so drawn to go on for further study and training in 2018 literally across the country. I made a trip to CA to train and certify in teaching Kids Yoga. I made bi-monthly trips farther south to train and certify in teaching Hatha Yoga. I made 3 trips to Atlanta and a trip to Minnesota to train and certify as a QNRT practitioner. It is so out of character for me as a mom-is-happily-my-lifetime-career focused woman...yet I felt so drawn to do this and then turn to offer what I have learned to others.

And now I understand because although there are plenty of times I can preach sermons or love, lead, serve, and teach while directly speaking my Savior's name...I am learning that there are times that it isn't appropriate, accepted, or even tolerated....that isn't the language that they speak (yet). As I learn to speak of Christ with every breath, I must master this new language, or teaching the same truths, but in ways that are speaking to an individual's understanding, language, and learning style. Because of seeking to become more conversant in the things of the world in 2018, I am now more capable of speaking of Christ in more languages than I was previously able to offer. And it is absolutely astounding and beautiful to me!

I don't know if you have had similar experiences as I have, and that is okay. But maybe my words can help you to connect some of your own dots as you discover what your personal role is in gathering Israel.

I have a long way of refinement ahead of me to be able to do this consistently and with the power that I now know is possible, yet I resonate so deeply with this verse as Christ speaks to the Three Nephites. "...ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand" (3 Nephi 28:9). Listen to what He promises about them (...by the way the Three Nephites also ministered <3...see 3 Nephi 28:16 ). "And it shall come to pass, when the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom that they shall minister unto all the scattered tribes of Israel, and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, and shall bring out of them unto Jesus many souls, that their desire may be fulfilled, and also because of the convincing power of God which is in them" (3 Nephi 28:29).

Let's rise up, especially as women, to speak of Christ in all that we do...and do so with precision and power to "bring out of [the world] unto Jesus many souls." <3
