Liberating Saints with LeadingSaints

LeadingSaints is a non-profit organization dedicated to to improving the leadership skills of lay clergy leaders. Their team has been working hard to put together an online Virtual Summit with presentations from top experts, therapists, scholars, Dr.'s, and professionals about how individuals and those who love them can best support recovery for pornography or sex addiction. The summit also includes information about betrayal trauma. 

I am so honored to have been invited to add my voice alongside of these amazing individuals!!!  My interview weaves my professional work, my service in one of my stake level callings (Mark and I have been serving as part of our Stake Self Reliance Committee as Stake Addiction Specialists for 2 years), my own personal experiences with betrayal trauma, and my testimony of Christ.  

There are two options to participate, and both require you to register so you can be communicated to as the interviews are released each day. Option 1. 1-2 interviews will be released each day starting Monday (Sept 10th). They will be available for free for 24 hours. Option 2. If you wish to have unlimited access to all of the interviews and to be able to go back and review the interviews at your own leisure, there is a donation of about $50. This is the link with more details on the line up of professionals and their presentations, as well as where you register to attend.
