Abiding in Christ Also Includes...

My body is so different from your body, and your body is so different from your friend's body...sometimes we have similarities in physical features or the intricate ways our bodies function as we compare our body to somebody else's body. Ultimately, however, there is no body walking this planet exactly like the one you "live" in.

Similarly, each one of us has a uniquely complex yet personal psychology. We may resonate with patterns or generalities because each one of us has a mind and there will be some overlap; however, the details of what makes your mind "tick," is specific to you. Each one of us has unique beliefs. We have all been through personally tailored life experiences that have shaped us differently. The ways we cope, respond, and behave are powered by this deeply personal psychology. We also have different learning styles and react to different stimulus. Your mind is as special as you are.

We understand well that this also extends to our spirits. Each one of us is a unique son or daughter of our Heavenly Parents. There never has been, nor will there ever be another being who has your unique combination of gifts, talents, and strengths. You are on this planet on purpose; you are here to accomplish your unique mission. You bring something to the table that nobody else has the same capacity or ability to contribute to humanity. There is no comparing who you are with anybody else because of the diversity each one of us adds to our Heavenly Parents' plan.

I am going to step into yoga teacher role first to explain this, then I will come back around and put it into my Christian vocabularly.

In yoga philosophy, we speak of the "life force" known as "Prana." This is the life force that animates our bodies and gives clarity to our minds. We can take in more Prana in many, many ways. For example, it's in the foods we eat (but it isn't the food itself). Interestingly, processed foods have zero Prana. Different foods have different levels of Prana, such as comparing canned fruit or veggies (lower) to fresh, raw fruit or veggies (higher). Prana is also in the water we drink (again, it isn't the water itself), and it's on the air we breathe (yet, not the air itself). The point of yoga from a physical standpoint is to take in more Prana and move it around to the various parts of our bodies or organs through the breath work and postures.

The more life force we have in reserve, the more smoothly our bodies and minds function in our daily living. As we know well, life on this Telestial planet and the rigors of living as mortals can take a toll on us if we aren't intentional about keeping our bodies and minds in optimal condition. And we do that through Prana.

We learn about this "life force" in D&C 88. "...This is the light of Christ. As also He is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also, He is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through Him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space---the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are goverend, even the power of God who sitteth upon His throne who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things" (D&C 88: 7-13).

Isn't that amazing to comprehend?!!! The light of Christ is in the grapefruit I ate for breakfast. He is in the sun which grew that piece of fruit. As I kick off my sandals and burrow my feet into the grassy dirt, He is in that place where I'm standing. As I ground into the earth by pressing equally on all four corners of my feet, He is what makes me feel so present and connected and centered. "...God is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath...and even supporting you from one moment to another" (Mosiah 2:21). I believe that anything that heals us and helps us find wholeness is powered by Jesus Christ through His life force.

In Moroni 7: 12 & 13, we learn, "Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God...that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve Him, is inspired of God."

How can I serve God when I'm so distracted because of my body or my mind that I can't get past the "shallows" spiritually? I believe abiding in Christ includes the ways we care for our bodies and our minds because Heavenly Father knows that we cannot understand our personal mission on this earth, let alone fulfill it, when all of us isn't tuned in and functioning optimally. We can always have our Savior to be with us, and not just spiritually.

As one of my dear friends so articulately pointed out, He can be with us as our personal health coach as we learn how to best care for our unique body and what it needs. What very well may be healthy for one body could actually be causing stress on another body. He can be with us as we navigate the sometimes scary or unsafe places in our own minds. Each one of us has personal natural man tendencies...patterns and programing that we believe brings us comfort, yet it actually hurts us and those around us. Having spent years in talk therapy and 12-step programs, I'm thankful for all I have learned to train my mind through these professional helps (and would highly encourage you to always find the qualified help and support you need), yet it could only take me so far. My Savior and I have had to fill in all the details and dig down to the roots. We have worked together carefully over the years to uproot it all and begin to replace those tendencies (and the lies at the heart of them) with truth as well as His very nature.

Although I can't fully articulate it (yet), grace is like the battery for all of this. Grace is always immediately available to us, even when we don't "deserve" it. Grace is a gift, not something we have to (or even can) earn. We can qualify for increased blessings or outpourings. Specifically, our covenants opens doors that would otherwise remain closed; however, all of this is a gift, freely available to us. I have spent most of my life living far, far below the privileges that have been proffered to me. 

So let me ask YOU a few questions:

How can you more fully abide in Jesus Christ: body, mind, and spirit? How can you tap into the power of Christ which is available to you right now?

What brings in more life force for you?

What helps you to gather in your energy?

I invite you to ponder this, and maybe even take some time to journal about it. Observe yourself in your daily living. Observe yourself at times when unusual stress or challenges are presenting in your life.

Because your body is YOUR body, and your mind is YOUR mind, and your spirit is YOUR spirit, my list won't be yours. Just to give you an idea of where I have found this life force available in my life and my typical "access points" for the Atonement in my personal life:

~Intentional breathing
~Moving on my yoga mat
~Eating well for my unique body
~Adequate sleep
~Rubbing my feet with specific oils, herbs, and/or essential oils

 ~Time alone
~Christian pop music (with earbuds is a bonus)
~Hot bath
~Dance parties
~Reading a good book
~Being in nature (specifically, I LOVE the wind, and I'm drawn to bodies of water)
~Playing the piano and singing
~Dressing in bright colors
~Dangley earrings
~Learning something
~Teaching someone
~Decorating my home or a beautifying or organizational project around my home

~Prayer (out loud)
~Opening my scriptures
~General Conference talks
~Temple worship (right now that also includes walking the temple grounds)

~Keeping and remembering my covenants

~Serving my family or others
~Walks with Mark
~Phone calls with a best friend
~1:1 time with my kids
~Snuggling up with my kids and reading books to them

Again, this is a list for MY body, mind, and spirit...what about YOU?

Let's talk about situational truth, then wrap this up. We talk more about it in the "Roots Course." At times when the demands of life are higher than the life force we have in reserve,we wisely respond by shifting into a lower gear, taking up our space, slowing down, and turning to our Savior. What I have learned from going deeper and deeper with this process over the past several years, is sometimes things bring in more life force and some times they don't. Sometimes they bring in enough life force for me to feel in balance again, and sometimes I need more or to take care of another part of me too.

A perfect example could be in the ways our recent miscarriage have weighed on me. One day I needed extra time on my yoga mat to "stay ahead," but another time I needed a nap, while yet another time I needed a walk to the temple and a good cry. I have found as I start with what I know, my Savior always buoys me up as I wait for His light to come.

Another application of situational truth: sometimes I notice I'm beating myself up while I move on my yoga mat ("You totally rocked that headstand yesterday. Why can't you even get your feet up off the mat today?"). Sometimes I'm critical or tear myself apart as I create something ("That is totally crooked. It looks awful!"). Sometimes I'm not present with who is in front of me, so the time to jump on the trampoline with my kids or that late night talk with my child actually causes me stress or anxiety instead of rest or connection. These things can only bring life force if I allow them to. The truth is, those things have the potential to bring in more life force; however, because of the ways I'm approaching it, it's basically crossing the potential benefits out.

Ultimately, abiding in Christ includes walking with our Savior in caring for our bodies, minds, AND spirits (and beyond! I'm learning to abide in Christ as I parent, as I serve in my callings, as I interact with others around me, as I grieve losses in my life...and on and on it can go. The possibilities of what abiding in Christ can include in our own personal lives is only limited by whether or not we will choose to allow Him to stay by our side). Learning to let Him be with me and discovering the ways I #HearHim have been the journey of a lifetime. Go have YOUR OWN experience!
