Feminine Nurturing Between Generations

Elder Bednar recently said, "Family history centers now are in our homes." Isn't that powerful?! For our family, family history is more than just names. To us, it's about learning about our ancestors as individuals---who were real people with real lives. We want to know who they are, what life experiences they have had, and how they have weathered through their bumps and challenges.

If you are like us, we have been adjusting to the shift from Church-Centered to Home-Centered Gospel Learning this year. Mark and I have been prayerfully seeking for ways to implement more impactful gospel learning in our home.

Between reclaiming our home, a deep desire to do more with family history and temple work, and beautiful words in General Conference, we have decided to turn our family room into a true family room. This gallery wall is one of several projects we have been working on as a family lately.

I came across this stunning print in the center from Anna Marie Weaver Photography coupled with a similar idea for an ancestor gallery wall. I immediately felt drawn to creating a stunning visual for my own family. (FYI I was able to purchase this print from Anna Marie).

I was told when I was set apart least year, that Heaven is aware of this call and that God is preparing angels to help us accomplish what needs to be done. For a long time I believed that to simply be contained to the amazing things we were going to do together as a presidency within the bounds of our callings...but now I can see it's much more expansive than that!

Heavenly Father knew that because my time is going to Relief Society commitments, and even with the best planning, doing as many meetings at my home, and taking the greatest care to only do what is necessary, it still means time way from my family. He is aware of how challenging this has been for our young family: to figure out how to make it work as smoothly as possible. He additionally knew that this calling would fall into a unique time and season of my life when I was also starting to step back into the professional world plus there would also be a time of extra household members. He knew that there are big things to be accomplished both inside and outside of my home as my circle of influence widens and widens. <3 That knowledge has brought me so much peace.

Recently, I had a phone conversation with one of my presidency members. I was deeply touched as she shared things she had been learning in her own life. She told me that because she is on the Lord's errand, she can pray for angels to help protect her family. I had never considered that before, but resonated with it as soon as she said it.

I have begun to add such requests to my own prayers. As much as Mark and I have tried our hardest to keep my calling and business as non-impactful to our family life as possible, it has still been a huge jump for us to go from stay-at-home mom to times when there is simply no way around it: Mom has to be away. I can't explain it any more plainly than I have, but this request especially for angels to be with my little ones in my absence has seemed to make those times away go even more smoothly.

The title for this post comes from a wonderful talk by Sister Oscarson. What if feminine nurturing between generations were possible to extend through the veil? I believe that is what I have been able to experience this year. <3

In two separate blessings in recent months I was reminded that I am surrounded by angels during this time and season and to learn about the lives of my ancestors. A sweet friend powerfully helped me to make some big connections between the two.

I have had the impression that these angels surrounding me are my ancestors. As I have gotten to know my ancestors, their personal character, and their life experiences, it has been such a blessing!

I have ancestors who were also women leaders. I have ancestors who have done brave and courageous things. I have ancestors who faced painful life experiences with patience and faith. I have ancestors who have already done what I am needing to learn how to do!

We have taught our children that their ancestors' same blood runs through their veins. Because their ancestors have been who they are and done what they have done, our kids can too. I really believe that!

These angels who are readily available to help me in this time of my life have been a huge strength and blessing to me. Because I am learning about who they are, I have even started to make special requests at times. For example, I had to make one of the bravest phone calls I have ever made before, so when I prayed to calm my nerves before picking up the phone, I asked for angels to help me to have courage with a special request for a certain ancestor who saved The Book of Commandments from destruction. Pretty amazing!

If you are skeptical like I used to be able the existence of angels or whether or not it might be "appropriate" to call upon them, I would suggest you consider reading Moroni 7. Angels are subject unto Christ "...to minister according to the word of His command." <3 It's been such a beautiful experience to find deeper levels of what Jesus Christ can do for me personally in my individual life.

The vinyl across the top of our gallery wall says, "Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth...have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh."

The vinyl on the bottom says, "There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it."
